Examination of nominations for inscription in 2023 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (item 8.b on the agenda)

Below are the nominations to be examined by the Committee for possible inscription in 2023 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Each nomination file includes (i) a nomination Form ICH-02, (ii) evidence of consent from the communities concerned, (iii) an extract of the inventory of the intangible cultural heritage, (iv) ten photos and (v) a video.

The recommendations of the Evaluation Body are included in document LHE/23/18.COM/8.b.

The designations employed in the texts and documents of the nomination presented by the submitting State Party or States Parties do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Committee nor UNESCO concerning a) the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, b) the legal status of its authorities or c) the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Expedientes (1)

No. de
proyecto de
Estado(s)Título presentadoDocumentos
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Czechia - Finland - France - Germany - Hungary - Spain

EN: Knowledge, craft and skills of handmade glass production

FR: Connaissances, techniques et savoir-faire du verre artisanal

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 1961

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2022
Consent of communities - Czechia:Czech/English

29 Mar 2022
Consent of communities - Finland:Finnish/English

29 Mar 2022
Consent of communities - France:French

29 Mar 2022
Consent of communities - Germany:German/English

29 Mar 2022
Consent of communities - Hungary:Hungarian/English

29 Mar 2022
Consent of communities - Spain:Spanish/English

29 Mar 2022
Consent of communities - Filmed France, Germany:French

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory - Czechia:Czech/English

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory - Finland:Finnish/English

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory - France:French

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory - Germany:German/English

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory - Hungary:Hungarian/English

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory - Spain:Spanish/English

29 Mar 2022
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Les gestes verriers. Knowledge, craft techniques and skills of handmade glass production’ (20:20):English|French

29 Mar 2022