Resolution of the General Assembly: 8.GA 15

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document LHE/20/8.GA/15,
  2. Recalling documents LHE/20/8.GA/7 Rev., LHE/20/8.GA/8, LHE/19/14.COM/19, ITH/18/13.COM/17, ITH/17/12.COM/16, ITH/18/7.GA/13 and ITH/18/7.GA/12, Decisions 14.COM 19, 13.COM 17, 12.COM 16 and Resolutions 7.GA 12, 7.GA 13 and 6.GA 11,
  3. Further recalling 39 C/Resolution87 and 38 C/Resolution 101,
  4. Encourages the Culture Sector to continue its efforts, wherever appropriate, to harmonize the Rules of Procedure of the governing bodies of the UNESCO Conventions in the field of culture in conformity with Resolution 7.GA 13;
  5. Considers that sufficient progress has been made with the follow-up to the implementation of the relevant recommendations of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Governance, Procedures and Working Methods of the Governing Bodies of UNESCO that require the attention of the General Assembly and requests that the Secretariat continue reporting as and when necessary on further progress regarding the status of recommendations;
  6. Invites the Secretariat to submit a new draft consolidated version of the Rules of Procedure at its next session, taking into consideration the need to harmonize the terminology and the technical provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of the 2003 Convention, with the respective Rules of Procedure of the other UNESCO Conventions in the field of culture.
