Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 5.COM 3

The Committee,

  1. Considering Rule 8 of the Rules of Procedure of the Intergovernmental Committee,
  2. Having examined document ITH/10/5.COM/CONF.202/3 Rev.,
  3. Recalling its decisions 4.COM 16 and 4.COM 17,
  4. Further recalling Article 8.4 of the Convention,
  5. Welcomes to its fifth session the examiners of the nominations for the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and the International Assistance request, as follows:
    • Ms Dace BULA
    • Mr CHUN In-Pyong
    • Mr Laszlo FELFOLDI (Association for the European Folklore Institute)
    • Mr Rahul GOSWAMI (Goa Heritage Action Group)
    • Ms Marleen HABOUD
    • Ms Irina POPOVA (Saint-Petersburg Institute of Oriental Manuscripts)
    • Mr Jean ROCHE (Association nationale cultures et traditions)
    • Ms Ritu SETHI (Craft Revival Trust)
    • Ms Monika THERRIEN (Fundación Erigaie)
    • Ms Rusudan TSURTSUMIA
    • Mr Hans Konrad VAN TILBURG
  6. Authorizes the participation, as observers, in the sixth, seventh and eighth sessions of the Committee, of intergovernmental organizations other than those referred to in Rule 8.2 of its Rules of Procedure, non-governmental organizations, public or private bodies and private persons, with recognized competence in the various fields of the intangible cultural heritage, as follows:
  • Ms Maria-Theresia ALBERT (Brandenburg Technical University at Cottbus)
  • Amis du Patrimoine de Madagascar (APM)
  • Association pour la Sauvegarde des masques (ASAMA)
  • Ms María Angeles CARRASCO HIDALGO (Agence Andalouse du Flamenco)
  • Mr Greenfield CHILONGO (IFRRO)
  • Ecumenical Centre for Justice and Peace
  • Mr Joan FONT MASSOT, (Conseil de Mallorca)
  • Mr Haruhisa FURUTA (The Sekaiisan Research Institute, Japan)
  • Mr Gerry GITONGA (Azania Legal Consultants)
  • Ms Gloria Estefanía GONZALEZ CANO (Junta de Extremadura Consejeria de Cultura y Turismo)
  • ICCN (Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network)
  • Mr Henry Justus IRUNGU (Galaxy Artizan)
  • Kanuri Development Association
  • Mr Naaman Muchemi KARIUKI (Children Homes of Africa Network, Kenya)
  • Mr Richard Nyamai MBITHIT (Miti Mingi Conservation Center)
  • Nordic World Heritage Foundation
  • Ms Deirdre Marina PRINS SOLANI (Centre for Heritage Development, Kenya)
  • Mr Iban RODON (Parliament of Catalonia, Spain)
  • Mr Reuben RUTERE (Meru Network Initiative)
  • Sociedad de Huacones de Mito
  • Tapis Plein
  • Tooro Youth Platform for Action Engabu Za Tooro
  • Mr James Kabia WAITHAKH (Ol Moran Self Help Group)
  • West Africa Coalition for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights – WACIPR
  • Western Cultural and Environmental Management Initiative
