Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 11.COM 10.b.35

The Committee

  1. Takes note that Uzbekistan has nominated Palov culture and tradition (No. 01166) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:

There is a saying in Uzbekistan that guests can only leave their host’s house after palov has been offered. Palov culture and tradition is a social practice around a traditional dish made and shared throughout rural and urban communities of Uzbekistan. It is prepared with ingredients such as rice, meat, spices and vegetables and in addition to be enjoyed as a regular meal, is served as a gesture of hospitality, to celebrate special occasions like weddings and new year, to help those in need who are underprivileged, or to honour loved ones who have passed away. Palov may also feature at events alongside other rituals taking place, such as prayer and performances of traditional music. It is a dish that is cooked by men and women, regardless of age or social status. Knowledge and skills associated with the practice are handed down from older to younger generations formally and informally using a master-apprentice model or by demonstration and participation within families, peer groups, community-based establishments, religious organizations and vocational education institutions. The making and sharing of the traditional dish acts to strengthen social ties, promote values including solidarity and unity and assist in the continuity of local traditions that form a part of the community’s cultural identity.

  1. Decides that, from the information included in the file, the nomination satisfies the following criteria:

R.1:   The file describes the element as a meal that appears in many traditional rituals and conveys the values of solidarity, tolerance, hospitality, charity and respect for neighbours. The element strengthens family ties and cultural identity; it helps in unifying families and in enhancing relationships among friends and communities. The element’s cultural meanings are manifested by its impact on poetry, singing, music, dance, clothing, and utensils. Groups practising the element in each region of Uzbekistan are clearly identified, as well as the formal and informal mechanisms used to transmit associated knowledge and skills. The element is compatible with existing human rights instruments, the requirement of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, and sustainable development;

R.2:   The file indicates that inscription of the element would open an avenue for international dialogue among countries with a similar heritage around a social and culinary practice. Inscription would not only attract attention to the element itself, but also to related intangible cultural heritage elements, such as traditional craftsmanship, oral traditions and social practices. Inscription would also contribute to dialogue (as an indispensable part of palov culture) and more broadly to the significance of intangible cultural heritage in Uzbekistan, especially among younger generations;

R.3:   The file describes past and current efforts taken by communities concerned and the submitting State to safeguard the element, such as establishing organizations (the Cooks Association of Uzbekistan and the International Centre of Uzbek Culinary Art), publishing, broadcasting, legal protection and training tradition bearers. The proposed safeguarding measures include research, documentation, development of the master‑apprentice system, and initiatives to connect farmers and consumers. Communities, municipalities, professional associations and state institutions have been involved in planning these measures and will continue to participate in their implementation;

R.4:   An expert group made up of community representatives, other groups and individuals concerned, municipalities, research institutions, professional associations and experts has been leading the nomination process. Free, prior, and informed consent has been provided by those involved and is annexed to the file. The element is widely practised across Uzbekistan, and there is no customary practice restricting its access;

R.5:   The element is included on the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which is regularly updated under the responsibility of the Republican Scientific and Methodological Centre of Folk Art (Ministry of Culture and Sport). The file states that about 50 governmental and non‑governmental organizations worked together on the inventorying process.

  1. Inscribes Palov culture and tradition on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity;
  2. Invites the submitting State to take appropriate measures to prevent the over-commercialization of the element.
