Periodic reporting

On Urgent Safeguarding List elements

Cantu in paghjella, a secular and liturgical oral tradition of Corsica



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Key references

Ratification of the Convention on

11 July 2006

Listing of ICH and Register

Craftsmanship of mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics
Craftsmanship of mechanical watchmaking and art mechanics (2020, RL)
28 elements inscribed
On-going nomination(s)
  • 2024: Skills of Parisian zinc roofers and ornamentalists (RL)

  • 2024: Art of dry stone construction, knowledge and techniques (RL)

  • 2024: Funfair culture (RL)

Activities with the patronage

See all activities 


Mr Pierre Bois
Artistic advisor, House of World Cultures

Mr Pierre Bois Artistic advisor, House of World Cultures

See all interviews 


Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel, 2003, ratifiée par la France 11 juillet 2006

More details 