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Carillon culture in Leuven

Contrary to most cultural products, carillon concerts were allowed to continue during the lockdowns of March-May and November-December 2020, because the carillonneurs is sitting in isolation in a bell-tower, and because the public on ground level is not concentrated.

On the 5 Leuven carillons, special programs were played around the themes of caring, loneliness, positive thinking, endurance etc. The carillonneurs received many requests from the public and responded to them with new arrangements. The lack of traffic noise in town improved the perception of carillon music.

On several carillons, the concerts were streamed via Facebook Live, in order to offer ‘home delivery’ of carillon music to the people who were confined to a lockdown. Via social media, a strong connection was created with the audience. The carillonneurs noticed that their playing brought consolation and relief with the public.

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