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Learning in and from heritage - Yper Museum

Yper Museum

On June 7, 2020, as usual every year, the Holy Blood Procession in Voormezele would retreat through the streets.

In 2019, the Yper Museum, together with the children from Voormezele primary school, launched an Intangible Cultural Heritage Project around this tradition.

The Yper Museum won the International Badges Award, Learning in and from heritage (Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union). The final product became a documentary that highlighted its uniqueness and closely involved the heritage community.

Now that the procession cannot go live this year, this documentary will be broadcast in its entirety via ‘Kerknet’, the online platform of the Catholic Church in Flanders. It offers many people the opportunity to experience this annual tradition from ‘their cot’.

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