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Reflections from Indonesia


They said it was Covid-19 birthday, but instead, we say it is our day to adapt and rise.

Been a year since Covid-19 entered our life in Indonesia, at first, true we were panicked, scared, and overwhelmed with what we see, feel, hear, from the news and the fact it is also impacted our families here at CIOFF® Indonesia. We lost our big families, friends, teachers, parents, etc, but we do comeback stronger, healthier, each passing day. We began to adapt more to live based on health protocols, do many events national and internationally by online, we limit our offline activities, we got vaccinated. There is hope of the era, the real new normal.

CIOFF® Indonesia still conduct its event online, recently we made online workshop together with YCC on topic focusing on basic concepts: ICH System within UNESCO, the event was successfully conducted and millennials were excited and participating. Also, we took place on many international events, through various social media platforms, we celebrate diversity, and culture.

The world won’t be the same again, but we can do so many more towards it.

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