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Switching activities and programs to online platforms during lockdown amid COVID-19 pandemic

Georgian Arts and Culture Center

We find ourselves living in a situation none of us could have imagined. The COVID-19 crisis has an impact in all aspects of our lives: public health, economy, social interaction, environment and of course cultural life. The virus presents the cultural heritage sector with a major and evolving challenges. Because most of living heritage, as well as other sectors of culture, activities involve being in crowed spaces or interaction among people it got severely affected by the virus. COVID-19 has posed a special challenge to art institutions around the world.
Like in other countries COVID-19 is hitting the cultural life of Georgia too. Libraries, museums, art centers, theaters and other cultural venues are closed. Performances, festivals, shows and living heritage events are cancelled or temporarily postponed. public institutions and gatherings are on lockdown, ongoing activities and work are put on hold, both long- and short-term programs are largely suspended. Most people in arts and crafts sectors were self-employed or freelancers. Today they are left for months without any income. people are forced to stay at home all confused and worried regarding ambiguous new reality and future perspectives. They do not know how to face the challenges the pandemic has sat.
Georgia Arts and Culture Center (GACC) is one of the oldest non-governmental organizations in Georgia working on preservation, promotion and sustainable use of culture and cultural heritage. 2018 accredited NGO for the advisory services to the committee of ICH convention of UNESCO. Since 2016 official representative of Europa Nostra in Georgia.
For 25 years GACC is supporting development of Georgian crafts and cultural industries, fostering the studies of Georgian culture, strengthening the economic viability and self-sustainability of cultural institutions, culture based small and medium businesses, and individuals working in the field of arts and culture. At the time of COVID-19 outbreak GACC was implementing several long and short term international and local projects. all of them served one major goal - further development and promotion of various cultural sectors.
Starting March 31, 2020 when ‘nationwide quarantine’ with partial curfew was introduced by the government, all GACC activities are put on hold or postponed to later period. The whole team is doing its best to quickly adapt to new reality and switch its activities and programs to online platforms.

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