Ms Séverine Cachat

A social anthropologist (PhD) specializing in heritage processes and the Indian Ocean, Séverine Cachat has been working as an independent consultant in culture and living heritage since 2021. She directed the Maison des Cultures du Monde (accredited NGO) and its Festival de l’Imaginaire from 2017 to 2021, as well as its French Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage from 2011 to 2021. Séverine has contributed to diverse ICH projects, training courses and toolkits (inventories, safeguarding plans, periodic reporting, international assistance). Since 2013, she has been an expert with the French Ministry of Culture’s national consultative body for ICH.

Participación en sesiones de formación:

Experiencia en:
Albania, Algeria, Cyprus, France, Haiti, Lesotho, Mozambique, Saudi Arabia

Basado/a en:

Lengua(s) de trabajo:
French, English, Portuguese

Esferas temáticas de experiencia o interés:
Community participation, Education, Teaching materials
