Resolución de la Asamblea General: 6.GA 10

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document ITH/16/6.GA/10,
  2. Recalling Articles 5, 6 and 26.5 of the Convention and Rules 13, 14 and 15 of its Rules of Procedure,
  3. Further recalling Resolution 6.GA 4,
  4. Elects the following 12 States Parties to the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage for a term of four years from the date of election:

Group I: Austria and Cyprus

Group II: Armenia

Group III: Colombia, Cuba and Guatemala

Group IV: Philippines

Group V(a): Mauritius, Senegal and Zambia

Group V(b): Lebanon and Palestine.
