Resolución de la Asamblea General: 3.GA 3

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document ITH/10/3.GA/CONF.201/3,
  2. Adopts the agenda of its third session (Paris, UNESCO Headquarters, 22 to 24 June 2010) as annexed to this Resolution.

      Agenda of the third session of the General Assembly

  1. Opening of the General Assembly
  2. Election of the Bureau of the third session of the General Assembly
  3. Adoption of the agenda of the third session of the General Assembly
  4. Reports of the Intergovernmental Committee and the Secretariat on their activities
  5. Additional operational directives for the implementation of the Convention
  6. Revision of the operational directives for the implementation of the Convention
  7. Accreditation of non-governmental organizations to provide advisory services to the Committee
  8. Use of the resources of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
  9. Mobilization of extrabudgetary resources for reinforcing the Secretariat of the Convention
  10. Tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention by the General Conference of UNESCO
  11. Examination of the issue of an upper limit of seats in the Committee by electoral group
  12. Election of the members of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
  13. Other business
  14. Closure of the session
