The primary objective of CRIA is to promote the advancement of Portuguese anthropology and its internationalization through the development of theoretical and applied research projects, the promotion of events encouraging scientific debate and the diffusion of research (congresses, seminars and conferences), the edition of scientific publications (promoting the national and international diffusion of research project results), the organization of courses and connected activities of postgraduate teaching level, the encouragement of international network-based collaboration in research projects or groups, as well as in other international collaborations that promote scientific diffusion, the establishment and reinforcement of cooperative relationships with similar institutions, both national and international, the reception of undergraduate students, graduate students and PhDs, helping with their integration in the scientific community.
CRIA’s general objectives are framed by four main thematic research lines: 1.“Social Identities and Differentiation”; 2.“Culture: Practices, Politics, Displays“; 3.“Migrations, Ethnicity, Citizenship”; 4.“Power, Knowledges, Mediations”.
Although safeguarding intangible cultural heritage is not CRIA's primary objective, a majority of its researchers (working mostly, but not only, within two thematic lines: "Culture: Practices, Politics, Displays" and "Power, Knowledge, Mediations") deal directly or indirectly with this issue. They explore it from a theoretical and analytical standpoint, and they resort to it as a framework for applied research and for intervention on the field. Constantly tackling such concepts as “culture”, “knowledge”, “identities”, “ethnicity” or “differentiation”, CRIA’s members study very diverse social and cultural contexts. Their ethnographic activity provides the empirical basis and the cultural knowledge that are necessary for an objective assessment of the relevance, interest, urgency, viability and sustainability of safeguarding initiatives.
Additional information:
CRIA contributes in direct and indirect ways to safeguard Intangible Cultural Heritage (lCH) through the activities of its researchers, namely through:
Theoretical and reflexive examinations of the notion of ICH, thus contributing to its conceptual understanding and elucidation. This is especially the case in activities Iinked to CRIA's main research lines: Culture: Practices, Polities, Displays" and "Power, Knowiedge, Mediations".
The organization of conferences and public lectures which allow for the diffusion of this knowledge to society in general and particularly to cultural agents and mediators. Some examples: Maria Cardeira da Silva, 2008: Cultura fora - Conversa sobre a candidatura do FADO a património da Humanidade. With Pedro Félix (INET-FCSH) Jean-Yves Durand, 2003: conference "Ethnographic Heritage, museums and development", CEAS (CRIA)/NEA, Vila Verde Township, Universidade do Minho.
Consuiting activities requested by organizations and institutions dedicated to the survey, study and promotion of ICH. Some examples: Cláudia Sousa contribution to GRASP, Great Apes Survival Partnership, project of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to lift the threat of imminent extinction faced by gorillas (Gorilla beringei, Gorilla gorilla), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), bonobos (Pan paniscus) and orangutans (Pongo abelii, Pongo pygmaeus) across their ranges in equatorial Africa and south-east Asia; Joäo Pedro Galhano, participation at "Projet de sauvegarde de la chasse à I'arc traditionnelle des Gourmantché." ONG BAIL (Niamey), Ministère de l'Environnement (Niger) et, possiblement, UNESCO.
The establishment of co-operation protocols and the joint organization of initiatives with the nationallnstitute for Museums and Preservation (IMC): Clara Saraiva, Museu da Luz, May 2008, joint conference with IMC, "Museus e Património Imaterial, agentes, fronteiras, identidades. Memória, Identidade, Projecto"; Maria Cardeira da Silva, 2008: Portuguese Fields: What do Anthropologists do? Museums and Intangible Heritage (Conference), CRIAlIMC/Ministério da Cultura.
The direct involvement of researchers and academies with local, national and international institutions developing projects aiming at the safeguard of Portuguese ICH, both in national territory and in different parts of the world: Clara Saraiva, 2008: Conference IDEMEC-CRIA "Rituels d'hiver avec masques. Réinvention culturelIe et performance: un cas portugais", IDEMEC, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de I'Homme, Université d'Aix-en-Provence.
Conceived and funded (generally by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), as academic research, many projects and events promoted by CRIA (or the research centers that preceded it) meet the needs and expectations of local groups and grassroots organizations.
Research: (title; coordinator; funding; date)
-- Portuguese Castles aboard II. Heritage, Tourism and Portuguese cultural cooperation in African contexts; Maria Cardeira da Silva; FCT; 2006.
--“Lenços de namorados”: study and certification of traditional embroideries from Northern Portugal; Jean-Yves Durand; CCDRN; 2005-2006.
-- Ethnobotany of Northeastern Portugal: local knowledge, plants and uses; Amélia Frazão; FCT; 2004.
-- Aldeia da Luz: ethnography and museography of a drowned village; Clara Saraiva; EDIA; 2005.
-- Modernization and change in Portuguese hydrotherapy; Cristiana Bastos; FCT; 2002.
-- Colonial Logics. Space and Society in Goa; Rosa Maria Perez; FCT; 2001.
-- (Re) Encountering the Past: An Anthropological Study of the East Timorese
Community; Brian O’Neill; FCT; 2001.
-- USA and Brazil: Processes of Transnationalization of "Açorianidade"; João Leal; FCT; 1999/2000.
-- Objectification Processes of Popular Culture: two complementary approaches; João Leal; FCT; 1998.
Scientific Meetings/events
-- CRIA was official partner of the ONG Memoria Media for the International Day of Life Histories, http://www.historias.memoriamedia.net/vida/
-- D. Afonso®: contemporary appropriations of a national hero (ethnographic and iconographic exhibition); Jean-Yves Durand; Guimarães City Council.
-- Portuguese Fields: What do Anthropologists do? Museums and Intangible Heritage (Conferences), CRIA/IMC/Ministério da Cultura.
-- Cultura fora – Talking about Laws, Institutions and Intangible Heritage, CRIA & IMC.
-- Rituels d'hiver avec masques. Réinvention culturelle et performance: un cas portugais, CRIA/IDEMEC, Aix-en-Provence.
-- 7th Séminaire d'Ethnobotanique Européenne, CRIA/Musée Ethnologique de Salagon.
-- Animal Fights: History and Ethnography of a “tradition”, anthropology of the constitution of the “intolerable”, CRIA/Ecomuseu do Barroso.
-- Life Histories: New theoretical and methodological challenges, CEAS.
-- The Politics of Folk Culture: Reflections from the Lusophone World; CEAS/UMass Dartmouth (USA); proceedings: Etnográfica (9)1: http://ceas.iscte.pt/etnografica/2005_09_01.php
-- Anthropology, Art and Museums; CIA/University of British Columbia, U.Lisbon/Fundação
Calouste Gulbenkian.
-- Ethnographic Heritage, museums and development; CEAS/NEA, Vila Verde Township, Universidade do Minho.
Additional information:
CRIA's anthropologists partake in projects always implying close and intense relationships with communities and groups based on mutual respect: deontology of ethnography-making requires in all cases the researchers' respect for the individuals,
groups and institutions they work with. Examples of co-operation contributing to ICH's safeguard:
Jean-Yves Durand led a multidisciplinary research on lenços de namorados (a form of embroidery) involving different townships, organizations of embroiderers, national agencies for the promotion of crafts. Results were published and allowed for the definition of norms of certification, as forgeries of this product had started to be imported, jeopardizing the income of hundreds of women who had gained social autonomy thanks to their work. Risks of fossilization and reification of the product were avoided by introducing a specific certification category for "Innovations".
Durand also co-organized, with alocal ecomuseum, an international conference on "Animal fights". The controversial tradition of bull-baiting (and, on alesser scale, of cockfighting) is strong in a small region of Northern Portugal. lts practitioners now reformulate it as "Iocal heritage" and clash with animal rights activists. Observing the dynamics of this controversy, the anthropologist can act as a go-between. Appointed Director of a local museum, Durand launched a study on homing-pigeons races which raise similar issues.
Clara Saraiva coordinated a multidisciplinary team working in Aldeia da Luz, a rural community in Portugal forced to abandon their old village to relocate when a government-sponsored dam was built which would leave their homes underwater. Fieldwork with the population was done to create an ethnographic record of the community before relocation and to document their resettiement not far away. Results were used to form the local museum, generating a living memory of the village and its recreation.
Joäo Leal studies cultural and festive practices of Azorean migrants in North America, participating personally in transnational networks of cultural and intellectual agents. Leal's observation and reflection about the transformation undergone by these cultural practices when they shift from the original context to migratory ones, and the impact of
that transformation back on the Islands, is relevant to the documentation and registry of this process.