UNESCO Workshop on elaborating safeguarding plans in Lao People's Democratic Republic 5 - 9 December 2016 Vientiane (República Democrática Popular Lao)
UNESCO Capacity-building Workshop on the Elaboration of Nominations 30 November 2016 - 2 December 2016 Libreville (Gabón)
Nigel Encalada Learning with intangible cultural heritage in education 29 November 2016 Addis Ababa (Etiopía)
UNESCO 11a reunión del Comité integubernamental 28 November 2016 - 2 December 2016 Adís Abeba (Etiopía)
UNESCO Inventory Workshop: Towards a National Inventory for Tanzania 21 November 2016 - 2 December 2016 Dar es Salaam (República Unida de Tanzania)
UNESCO Workshop on ICH and Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan, Implications for Policy Development and Implementation 21 - 23 November 2016 Astana (Kazajstán)
UNESCO Capacity-building workshop on Developing Safeguarding Plans for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Nepal 21 - 25 November 2016 Kathmandu (Nepal)
UNESCO Community-based inventorying workshop with the Oyo community 14 - 18 November 2016 Oyo State (Nigeria)
UNESCO Taller de construcción de herramientas de Política Pública para el Plan Nacional de Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural... 9 - 11 November 2016 Quito (Ecuador)
UNESCO Institutional Capacity-building Workshop for the Implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible... 31 October 2016 - 2 November 2016 Ndjamena (Chad)
UNESCO Taller sobre la elaboración de planes de salvaguardia para PCI 24 - 28 October 2016 Colombo (Sri Lanka)
UNESCO Training of Trainers on Digitizing Mongolian Intangible Cultural Heritage: First Steps towards the Establishment of a National... 24 - 27 October 2016 Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)