10 junio 2002 - 12 junio 2002


Reunión de expertos sobre el establecimiento de un glosario para el patrimonio cultural inmaterial

10 junio 2002 - 12 junio 2002
Reunión de expertos

In the process of elaborating a new international convention for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage, it proved essential to draw up a glossary presenting and defining the most frequently used terms relating to intangible cultural heritage, and found in various texts, analysis and documents.

During the international meeting of experts organised by UNESCO in Rio de Janeiro on “Intangible Cultural Heritage: priority domains for an international convention” (Brazil, 22-24 January 2002), experts had underlined the importance and urgency of having such a glossary at disposal. Consequently, it was decided to convene at UNESCO headquarters, in June 2002, a meeting of experts in order to establish the definitions of those terms.

In view of this, and following the request made by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section, the Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO proposed, as a national contribution to the debates, a set of draft definitions of a certain number of terms relating to intangible cultural heritage. Therefore, the Netherlands National Commission formed a group of experts, who met several times so as to elaborate a draft glossary.

Finally, an group of international experts met at UNESCO from 10 to 12 June 2002, examined the draft glossary drawn up by the Dutch experts and finalised a glossary.

Working documents

Information documents

  • Definiciones del PCI por Estados Miembros
    TER/CH/2002/INF/1: Inglés-Francés
  • Definiciones del PCI por organizaciones internacionales
    TER/CH/2002/INF/2: Inglés-Francés
  • Definiciones del PCI por ONG
    TER/CH/2002/INF/3: Inglés-Francés
  • Definición del ámbito cobierto por la expresión “patrimonio cultural inmaterial”, por Peter Seitel
    TER/CH/2002/INF/4: inglés|francés
  • Definiciones dentro de la documentación oficial de la UNESCO
    TER/CH/2002/INF/5: inglés|francés
  • Glossary of World Heritage Terms – A Glossary of Terms relating to the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention
    TER/CH/2002/INF/6: inglés
  • Developing a New Standard-setting Instrument for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Elements for Consideration
    TER/CH/2002/INF/7: inglés
  • Speech delivered by the Assistant Director-General for Culture at the opening session
    TER/CH/2002/INF/8: inglés en preparación|francés en preparación
