23/11/2020 - 23/11/2020

The Secretariat of the Convention organizes an online information and exchange session for the members of the Intergovernmental Committee on Monday, 23 November 2020 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is to present the provisional agenda and timetable of the Fifteenth session of the Committee and provide details on the online meeting modality, as well as to inform Committee members about the functioning of the Committee and its general working methods. This meeting is also open to interested States that are not members of the Committee.
Please note that this meeting will use the Intreprefy platform and interpretation will be provided in English and French.

You will find all the documents and relevant information on the 15.COM webpage.

To follow the meeting

Passive connection (to be used if you don’t intend to intervene)

Active connection (to be used exclusively by States - 2 participants/State maximum)

When you use an active connection to the meeting, please enter your name using the following format:

  • If you represent a Committee Member: CM-COUNTRY (Lastname)
  • If you represent a State Party not Member of the Committee: SP-COUNTRY (Lastname)
  • If you represent a State not Party to the Convention: SNP-COUNTRY (Lastname)
