
Consolidating and upscaling efforts of community museums to safeguard six intangible cultural heritage elements in Uganda

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 99.601 US$ otorgado en 2024
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 12/08/2024 - 31/08/2026
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Uganda


Implemented by the Uganda Community Museums Association (UCOMA), an accredited NGO, this two-year project aims to increase the capacity of community museums to sustainably safeguard Uganda’s intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the Lists of the 2003 Convention. It is the second phase of the project entitled ‘Strengthening the capacity of community museums to promote inscribed intangible cultural heritage’, which was implemented from ›››

Consolidating the promotion of intangible cultural heritage education in institutions of higher learning in collaboration with bearer communities

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 98.203 US$ otorgado en 2023
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 02/04/2024 - 17/03/2026
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Uganda


Implemented by the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU), an accredited non-governmental organization under the 2003 Convention, this two-year project aims to promote intangible cultural heritage education in higher-learning institutions. The project builds on the achievements of a previous intervention aimed at raising awareness of the relevance of living heritage in Uganda’s current development context among the management and academic staff of f ›››

Strengthening capacities for periodic reporting under the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Africa

  • Presupuesto del proyecto:
    • 250.000 US$
  • :
    • Saudi Arabia Funds-in-Trust
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 01/07/2023 - 01/07/2024

Países beneficiarios: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Camerún, Chad, Comoras, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibuti, Eritrea, Eswatini, Etiopía, Gabón, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Ecuatorial, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Malí, Mauricio, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Níger (el), República Centroafricana, República Democrática del Congo, República Unida de Tanzania, Ruanda, Santo Tomé y Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudán del Sur, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe


Africa is the fourth region to be undertaking periodic reporting under the revised regional cycle approved by the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention [Decision 14.COM 8]. The present project aims to strengthen the human and institutional capacities of States Parties in the region, in conducting a thorough review of the state of safeguarding policies, programmes, and initiatives in ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Strengthening the capacity of community museums to promote inscribed intangible cultural heritage elements

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 61.471 US$ otorgado en 2019
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 06/05/2020 - 10/06/2022
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Uganda


Implemented by the Uganda Community Museums Association, this project was intended to strengthen the capacities of community museums to promote inscribed elements of intangible cultural heritage in Uganda. Although several safeguarding measures have been proposed for these elements, the concept of intangible cultural heritage was still not well-understood, particularly among young people, and the elements were not sufficiently visible at ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Strengthening capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Eastern Africa

  • Presupuesto del proyecto:
    • 59.571 US$
  • :
    • UNESCO - Presupuesto regular
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 17/02/2025 - 17/02/2025

Países beneficiarios: Eritrea, Etiopía, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudán del Sur, Uganda


This activity aims to strengthen national capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Eastern Africa by supporting States Parties with capacity building for carrying-out community based inventories of ICH. It will also aim to secure ratification by Somalia, the last Member State in the region left to ratify the 2003 Convention. For countries developing culture policies, efforts will be made to ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Documentación y revitalización comunitarias de las ceremonias y prácticas del ‘empaako’, sistema onomástico de Uganda

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 232.120 US$ otorgado en 2017
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 23/02/2018 - 10/02/2020
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Uganda


Inscrito en la Lista de Salvaguardia Urgente en diciembre 2013, el “empaako” es un sistema onomástico utilizado por algunas comunidades de Uganda para imponer a un niño, además del nombre y el apellido de su propia familia, uno de los doce apellidos que comparten en común todas esas comunidades. Esta práctica tradicional está vinculada a rituales y ceremonias cuyo significado constituye la base d ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Safeguarding and promotion of Bigwala, gourd trumpet music and dance of Busoga Kingdom in Uganda

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 24.990 US$ otorgado en 2015
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2017
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Uganda


The project merged with ongoing safeguarding initiatives of the Busoga communities of Eastern Uganda to revitalize and strengthen Bigwala music and dance traditions, which play a key role in maintaining Busoga collective memory, cultural values and social unity. Involving the performance of five or more gourd trumpet players, each producing a single tone blown in hocket to produce a melody ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Inventorying the intangible cultural heritage of four communities in Uganda

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 216.000 US$ otorgado en 2012
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 05/07/2013 - 31/03/2015
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Uganda


In July 2013, Uganda launched a multi-year project to enable four local communities to identify their living heritage, as an essential step for its safeguarding. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development will coordinate the establishment of a national strategy for inventorying intangible cultural heritage and organize a workshop in the capital in order to train local coordinators on the ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Madi bow lyre music, O'di

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 10.000 US$ otorgado en 2013
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 23/12/2013 - 31/03/2015

Países beneficiarios: Uganda
