Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 5.COM 14

The Committee,

  1. Having examined Document ITH/10/5.COM/CONF.202/14,
  2. Recalling Resolution 3.GA 10,
  3. Noting that in 2013 the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will celebrate its tenth anniversary,
  4. Further noting that the tenth anniversary will be an occasion for the international community to conduct an initial assessment and to identify main challenges, constraints and opportunities related to the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage,
  5. Considering that Chapter IV.1 of the Operational Directives describes a multitude of ways in which awareness could be raised locally, nationally, as well as internationally and that the anniversary will also be an occasion to organize activities in order to raise awareness of the importance of the intangible cultural heritage,
  6. Invites States Parties to consider how the tenth anniversary of the Convention could be celebrated at the local, national, regional and subregional, as well as international levels, and to submit information to the Secretariat by 1st July 2011 at the latest on such events and activities that they wish to develop and carry out;
  7. Encourages the participation of communities and intangible cultural heritage bearers in these celebrations;
  8. Invites UNESCO category 2 centres as well as NGOs to join the celebrations and to contribute to the widest possible dissemination of this event;
  9. Requests the Secretariat to submit to the sixth session of the Committee in 2011 a programme and schedule for the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Convention, comprising the various activities to be undertaken by the States Parties.
