Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 4.COM 12

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/12;
  2. Recalling Article 7 (c) of the Convention and Resolution 2.GA 8 of the General Assembly;
  3. Decides to base the draft Plan for the use of the resources of the Fund on the total amount available as of 31 December 2009, including any unused balance;
  4. Requests the Secretariat to prepare a budget proposal to be structured in accordance with the Plan for the use of the resources of the Fund, reflecting the percentages of allocation of funds presented in this Plan. This budget should be attached to the Plan as annexed to this decision to be submitted to the General Assembly;
  5. Delegates to its Bureau the authority to decide upon the utilization of the funds allocated under item 3 of the Plan, on the basis of specific proposals to be prepared by the Secretariat;
  6. Submits for approval to the General Assembly a Plan for the use of the resources of the Fund, as annexed to this Decision.


Draft plan for the use of the resources of the Fund

For the period 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2011, as well as for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012, the resources of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund may be used for the following purposes:

% of the total amount


International assistance, comprising the safeguarding of the heritage inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, the preparation of inventories, and the support of other safeguarding programmes, projects and activities;



Assistance for the preparation of nomination files for the Urgent Safeguarding List, as well as for the preparation of proposals for the register of good practices (preparatory assistance);



Other functions of the Committee as described in Article 7 of the Convention and in the Operational Directives, including the publication of the lists and the register of good practices, capacity building and awareness raising activities, the organization of regional capacity building workshops, as well as the development and implementation of activities and measures to promote and disseminate good practices and the work of the Committee;



The participation in the sessions of the Committee, its Bureau and its subsidiary bodies of experts in intangible cultural heritage representing developing countries that are States Members of the Committee;



The participation in the sessions of the Committee of experts in intangible cultural heritage representing developing countries that are Parties to the Convention but not Members of the Committee;



The participation of public or private bodies, as well as private persons, notably members of communities and groups, that have been invited by the Committee, its Bureau and its subsidiary bodies to consult them on specific matters;



The costs of advisory services to be provided at the request of the Committee;



To build up the Reserve Fund referred to in Article 6 of the Fund’s Financial Regulations.


Funds that have not been committed at the end of the period of this Plan are carried over to the next financial period and shall be allocated in accordance with the Plan approved by the General Assembly at that time.

For the period of 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012, one-fourth of the amount established for the twenty-four-months of the financial period 2010-2011 shall be allocated on a provisional basis.
