Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 18.COM 12

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document LHE/23/18.COM/12 Rev. and its annex,
  2. Recalling the Chapter VI of the Operational Directives, Resolution GA 6, as well as Decisions 14.COM 10, 16.COM 5.b, 17.COM 13,
  3. Further recalling the Final Declarationof the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development (MONDIACULT 2022), the New Delhi Leaders Declaration of 2023 and the 2023 Seoul Vision for the Future of Safeguarding Living Heritage for Sustainable Development and Peace,
  4. Reaffirmsthe important role of intangible cultural heritage for an inclusive social, economic and environmental development, and welcomes the progress made in the implementation of the thematic initiatives on the (i) economic dimensions of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, (ii) safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and climate change, and (iii) safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in urban contexts;

Economic dimensions of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage

  1. Takes note of the outcomes of the expert meeting on economic dimensions of intangible cultural heritage safeguarding and thanksthe experts for their efforts and pertinent contributions;
  2. Further takes note of the guidance note annexed to this decision as a useful reference document addressing the main issues at stake and encourages the Secretariat to enhance knowledge gathering in specific issues related to the economic dimensions of intangible cultural heritage safeguarding through the collection of case studies and experiences;
  3. Further encourages the Evaluation Body to consider this guidance note in their work by identifying case studies related to the economic dimensions of intangible cultural heritage, including cases of inappropriate use, such as over-commercialization, misappropriation, dispossession, misrepresentation and decontextualization;
  4. Underlines the importance of ensuring better intersectoral cooperation on the issue of economic dimensions of intangible cultural heritage safeguarding, including between local and national levels of government, UNESCO’s cultural conventions and other relevant international organizations, and calls on the Secretariat to facilitate this process through the sharing of case studies and pertinent experiences, including those identified by the Evaluation Body, States Parties and non-governmental organizations;

Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and climate change

  1. Appreciates the initial findings from the reflection undertaken so far and invites the Secretariat to pursue its endeavours through the organization of an expert meeting to contribute with proposals for States Parties and other relevant stakeholders on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in the context of climate change;
  2. Emphasizes that, consistent with Article 18 of the 2017 UNESCO Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change, no document or declaration produced within this thematic initiative should be understood as an interpretation of any of the principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and of the Paris Agreement adopted under it;
  3. Welcomes the first steps undertaken to initiate dialogue with other institutions with expertise in the field of climate change and disaster risk reduction and also encourages the Secretariat to explore linkages and cooperation with relevant UN and international bodies working in these fields;
  4. Acknowledges the Secretariat’s existing capacity-building efforts on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in disaster contexts and calls on the Secretariat to consolidate this experience through the development of further tools and case studies;

Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in urban contexts

  1. Commends the Secretariat for the work achieved so far by identifying issues and gathering pertinent case studies and also encourages the Secretariat to continue its reflection under this thematic initiative in order to refine guidance on safeguarding living heritage in urban contexts and explore the role of living heritage in urban planning and management;

Ways forward

  1. Underscores the need for strengthened intersectoral cooperation, awareness raising and information sharing under the thematic areas;
  2. Further requeststhe Secretariat to report on the progress made in the implementation of thematic initiatives for examination by the Committee at its nineteenth session in 2024.
