194 Results that matches your search criteria poetry

23 August: International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

Samba de Roda of the Recôncavo of Bahia The Samba de Roda, which involves music, dance and poetry, is a popular festive event that developed in the State of Bahia, in the region of Recôncavo during the seventeenth century. It drew heavily on the dances and cultural traditions of the region’s African slaves. The performance als... international

18 August 2021


7.COM : Report of the Subsidiary Body on its work in 2012 and evaluation of nominations for inscription in 2012 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

hair from side to side, signifying faith in their protectors. The chanted lyrics draw on the Nabati poetry tradition and vary according to occasion. Al-Ayyala is a festive and cultural celebration of identity and history, strongly linked to local communities, and as such is performed during religious and national festivals and weddings. It also pla...7 December 2012


Cultural space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum

ransmitted orally. Their rich mythology is manifested in various forms of oral expression, comprising poetry, folktales and songs that are closely linked to particular places and the history of these communities. Over the last fifty years, more and more Bedu groups have settled down. The provision of education, housing, health care and sanitation... Jordan


Community-based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage workshops held in Jordan

in Jordan. The workshops included a local Sheik explaining Bedouin traditional coffee culture, Nabatean poetry performance in a goat-hair tent and interviews with Druze women about the link between their traditional dress and cultural identity. Hisham, a participant in the workshops, brought his daughters, Katrine and Shahira, along to highlight th... Jordan

16 October 2017

Traditional Vallenato music of the Greater Magdalena region

igenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. These expressions are also blended with Spanish poetry and musical instruments of European derivation. The lyrics of traditional Vallenato music interpret the world through stories that mix realism and fantasy, expressed through songs that are nostalgic, joyful, sarcastic and humorous. Traditional... Colombia


10.COM : Examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

er to the accompaniment of drums and other instruments. Many chants are verses of traditional Nabati poetry, carefully selected to match the occasion. The dancers perform choreographed movements to the music while holding wooden replica rifles in their hands and in some cases, young girls swing their hair in time to the music. Originally performed...4 December 2015



18.COM : Examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

The Committee Takes note that Cuba and Mexico have nominated Bolero: identity, emotion and poetry turned into song (No. 01990) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity: Bolero is an indispensable part of the Latin American sentimental song, with a strong lyrical character deeply rooted in Cuba and...9 December 2023



13.COM : Examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

e role of the Al-Badda, a man who starts singing by directly addressing Al-Hashi, to resume the dancing with poetry. The lines of poetry uttered during the performance form an integral part of the tradition, expressing feelings of joy, peace, intimacy and empathy among attendees. Practising As-Samer consolidates social bonds and promotes cohesion,...1 December 2018

Port Louis


New step in the MedLiHer project: Moviemakers and photographers meeting in Paris

de honoring the heritage of the governorates of Damietta in Egypt, Madaba in Jordan and Lebanon Zajal poetry. Those various elements of cultural heritage are at the heart of the inventory work undertaken as part of Phase III of the project. The meeting in August aims at: developing a common vision of the film project between the coordinator/re...27 August 2012 - 29 August 2012



10.COM : Examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

hero Gorogly and his forty cavalrymen. The epic incorporates narration, singing, composition, prose, poetry and vocal improvisation, and also functions as an oral encyclopaedia of traditional customs and knowledge (including stock breeding, traditional healing, etc.). Its transmission plays an important role in the upbringing of children by helping...4 December 2015

