UNESCO UNESCO. General Conference; 22nd session; 1983 25 October 1983 - 26 November 1983 Paris (France)
UNESCO Regional committee of experts on means of implementation in Africa of model provisions on intellectual property aspects of... 23 - 25 February 1983 Dakar (Senegal)
UNESCO Regional committee of experts on means of implementation in Asia of model provisions on intellectual property aspects of... 31 January 1983 - 2 February 1983 New Delhi (India)
UNESCO Committee of Governmental Experts on the intellectual property aspects of the protection of expressions of Folklore 28 June 1982 - 2 July 1982 Geneva (Switzerland)
UNESCO Committee of Governmental Experts on the Safeguarding of Folklore 22 - 26 February 1982 Paris (France)
UNESCO International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Executive Committee; 19th session; Geneva; 1981.... 30 November 1981 - 7 December 1981 Geneva (Switzerland)
UNESCO Committee of experts on the modalities of applying the model provisions for national laws on the "Intellectual Property" aspects... 14 - 16 October 1981 Bogota (Colombia)
UNESCO UNESCO. Executive Board; 113th session; 1981 15 September 1981 - 2 October 1981 Paris (France)
UNESCO Working Group on the Intellectual Property Aspects of Folklore Protection; 2nd meeting; Paris; 1981 9 - 13 February 1981 Paris (France)
UNESCO UNESCO. General Conference; 21st; Belgrade; 1980 23 September 1980 - 28 October 1980 Belgrade (Serbia)