UNESCO UNESCO. General Conference; 24th session; 1987 20 October 1987 - 20 November 1987 Paris (France)
UNESCO Meeting of the Working Group for the Preparation of a Plan of Action for Safeguarding the Non-physical Heritage; Paris; 1987 5 - 8 October 1987 Paris (France)
UNESCO Intergovernmental Copyright Committee; 7th session; Geneva; 1987 22 - 30 June 1987 Geneva (Switzerland)
UNESCO Special Committee of Technical and Legal Experts on the Safeguarding of Folklore 1 - 5 June 1987 Paris (France)
UNESCO UNESCO. General Conference; 23rd session ; Sofia; 1985 8 October 1985 - 9 November 1985 Sofia (Bulgaria)
UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention as Revised at Paris on 24 July 1971; 6th session; Paris; 1985 17 - 25 June 1985 Paris (France)
UNESCO Committee of Governmental Experts on the Safeguarding of Folklore; 2nd; Paris; 1985 14 - 18 January 1985 Paris (France)
UNESCO Group of experts on the international protection of expressions of folklore by intellectual property 10 - 14 December 1984 Paris (France)
UNESCO Meeting of experts to draw up a future programme concerning the non-physical heritage 28 - 30 November 1984 Paris (France)