Mr Rahul Goswami

From 2011 I have trained government officials, researchers and academics, traditional knowledge bearers and practitioners in Indonesia, East Timor, Afghanistan, China, (from) Pacific island states, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, the Seychelles, Mongolia, Cambodia and Sri Lanka on methods to identify, document and safeguard traditional knowledge systems and ICH, including through policy. I have authored several papers and reports on ICH safeguarding, culture and development, and continue to contribute to UNESCO’s work on culture and the Sustainable Development Goals. I serve on the governing council of the Tehran Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre, Iran, and on the advisory committee of the CRIHAP, China.


Cambodia, India, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste

Basado/a en:

Lengua(s) de trabajo:
English, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, German, Afar, Esperanto, Hindi, Marathi, Urdu
