Lykeion Ton Hellenidon


Contacto: +30-210 3611042; 3628978
Dirección de correo postal: 14, Dimokritou str. 10673 Αthens
Cobertura geográfica de la experiencia de la ONG: Grecia


Fecha de creación: 1911

Medidas de salvaguardia:

- identificación, documentación, investigación (inventarios incluidos)

Principales áreas de trabajo relacionadas con la Convención:

At the beginning of 1994 -following a request by the president of the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation, Ioanna Papantoniou- the Lyceum Club of Greek Women became a permanent collaborator of the National Archive of the Greek Traditional Costume and offered to provide a permanent home for the Archive on the premises of its Museum of the History of the Greek Costume.


Lyceum Club of Greek Women is a non-profit organization, founded in 1910. with main purposes: a) to gather information regarding the Greek regional costumes. b) to collect original research material. c) to organize seminars and exhibitions on the subject of the Greek traditional costume.


The Lyceum Club of Greek Women has been promoting the traditional culture of rural Greece since its foundation in 1911. After World War 11 systematic field research became the main approach for the collection of material and information concerning Greek folk life. Frequent visits to traditional communities ensure the accuracy of the results collected. Furthermore, these visits help develop a relationship and mutual respect between the members of the Club and the communities which share their traditions with the LCGW. LCGW's 51 branches conduct research (on an on-going basis) on their regional traditions; they present their findings in the Club's publications and live performances.