Seperu dance groups are dominated by female practitioners
© Ishmael Ogaufi Otlaadisa and Veekuhane, Botswana, 2018
15 de noviembre de 2022

Africa will be the fourth region to undergo the periodic reporting exercise in 2023. To support this process, UNESCO carried out a series of online trainings for 10 members of the facilitators network in Africa to prepare them to support the capacity-building strategy and the training of country focal points on periodic reporting that will take place in 2023.

The working group sessions provided targeted training on the revised periodic reporting mechanism, the Convention’s Overall results framework and participatory methodologies for data collection. It was also an important opportunity for facilitators to exchange and strategize on how to adapt the capacity-building approach, successfully implemented in previous regions, to the African context. The online sessions included experience sharing with facilitators who supported the process in Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as input from other invited experts from Africa in specific thematic areas.

The working group of facilitators is the first step and a key component in the capacity-building strategy for periodic reporting in Africa and further training activities for country focal points will continue throughout next year. The working group will play a particularly crucial role in supporting sub-regional trainings and follow up sessions for country focal points during 2023, and building a network of dedicated resource persons to carry forward the periodic reporting process in Africa.

For further information on capacity building, visit our dedicated webpage.
For further information the global facilitators network, visit our dedicated webpage.

Temas relacionados

  • WORKSHOP - overall capacity-building strategy

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