Country focal points embark for four weeks of training
© Dirk Van Hove, Gemeente Koksijde Paardenvissers_07 2009
22 de marzo de 2021

Europe is the second region, after Latin America and the Caribbean in 2020, to undertake the periodic reporting exercise on the implementation of the 2003 Convention under the reformed periodic reporting mechanism. UNESCO facilitators start the online training of country focal points in Europe over the next four weeks. The reports, which are aligned with the Convention’s Overall results framework, will help us to better understand how the convention has impacted the safeguarding of living heritage in countries and communities who are implementing its principles. Countries will also be able to set clear and realistic targets in the different areas related to ICH safeguarding and the implementation of the 2003 Convention for their next cycle of reporting, which should occur in 2027.

To accompany the process, the Living Heritage Entity has developed a training tailored for the country focal points (CFPs) designated by national authorities to be in charge of the periodic reporting. Adapted to an online format in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the training was first delivered in Latin America and the Caribbean region in 2020. Given the positive feedback, the Living Heritage Entity decided to use the same approach for the European region.

The four weeks training will be held from 19 March to 16 April 2021. It will combine a series of webinars with practical hand-on exercises and group forum discussions. It aims to strengthen the CFPs’ knowledge and skills to design and implement results-based participatory reporting. It will also provide an excellent occasion for peer learning, networking, and strategic discussions among participants.

Ms Harriet Deacon and Ms Jorijn Neyrinck will conduct the plenary sessions. Meanwhile, five regional sub-groups will meet under the guidance of 10 experts from the European network of the UNESCO-trained facilitators.

The online training is organized in close collaboration with the Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe in Venice, with the generous support from the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-Eastern Europe in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The periodic reports of European countries are to be submitted by the end of 2021 for an examination in 2022 by the Intergovernmental Committee for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Find the inglés|francés: - of the training in English and French.

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  • WORKSHOP - Other resources Convención 2003: promoción y ratificación

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