23 febrero 2010 - 25 febrero 2010


Taller sobre la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Palau

23 febrero 2010 - 25 febrero 2010
Taller (a parte de la estrategía)

The meeting was aimed at providing a forum for representatives of the Council of Traditional Leaders, civil society, NGOs, governmental officers, and others to discuss strategies and action plans for safeguarding Palau’s intangible cultural heritage as well as promoting a better understanding of UNESCO’s programmes, in particular the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The meeting covered various topics, ranging from a national legal framework for cultural resource management to educational and training activities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. The workshop resulted in consolidating, with the support of traditional leaders, the national platform for the safeguarding of cultural heritage and produced a better understanding of the 2003 Convention as a tool for assisting Palau in its safeguarding efforts. In April, a follow-up meeting will be organized so that Palau continues moving toward the ratification of the Convention.


Contact in UNESCO Apia office: Ms Akatsuki Takahashi
