21 mayo 2008 - 22 mayo 2008


Reunión interdepartamental sobre la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

21 mayo 2008 - 22 mayo 2008
Reunión regional

The objective of the inter-departmental meeting is to bring together all Fijian governmental actors involved in the ratification procedure of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. As a follow-up to the sub-regional meeting in the Pacific on the 2003 Convention (Nadi, Fiji, December 2007), UNESCO is organizing a series of national consultation meetings to assist Pacific Member States in the ratification and implementation of the 2003 Convention. The inter-departmental meeting held in Fiji is the second national consultation meeting, following the one held in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on 18 and 19 March 2008.

The meeting is aimed at providing governmental officers in different departments with information and assistance that might contribute to the ratification of the 2003 Convention, and support Fiji’s participation at the international level in the implementation of the Convention, in particular through the submission of intangible heritage elements for inscription on the lists of the Convention and the submission of international assistance requests.

  • Agenda (inglés)
  • List of participants (inglés)
  • Presentations:
    • National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage - Cultural Mapping, by Ro Misiwaini Qereqeretabua, Director Institute of Fijian Language and Culture (inglés)

Contact in UNESCO Apia Office: Mali Voi
