21 octubre 2013 - 25 octubre 2013


Formación sobre la utilización de los mecanismos de la Convención de 2003 para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en Camboya

21 octubre 2013 - 25 octubre 2013
Phnom Penh
Taller de fortalecimiento de capacidades

This workshop on the preparation of nomination files to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists will be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 21 to 25 October 2013. Conducted by the UNESCO-trained facilitators, Suzanne Ogge from Australia and Rahul Goswani from India, the event is the final of a series of three capacity building events over the last 18 months aimed at the safeguarding of the manifestations of Cambodia’s living heritage. The training workshop, which the UNESCO Phnom Penh Office is organizing in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, will provide training on how to prepare nomination files for the Urgent Safeguarding List and Representative List, as well as proposals for the Register of Best Practices and requests for international assistance. The training strategy will provide the participants with the knowledge of preparing complete nomination files by understanding how they will later be evaluated and examined. The expert trainers will lead around 30 participants from concerned government agencies, members of the academy, ICH practitioners and community members.

