© Koranteng Danso, George Kumi/ UNESCO

26 octubre 2022 - 31 octubre 2022


Training of Trainers on periodic reporting for the Africa chapter of the facilitators network

26 octubre 2022 - 31 octubre 2022
Formación de facilitadores

The Secretariat of the 2003 Convention in the framework of its global capacity-building programme is organizing an online Training of trainers for selected members of the facilitators network in Africa on how to support the roll out of the periodic reporting process in the region in 2023. The trainings will take place over three days and seek to reinforce the network of facilitators in Africa and mobilize them to co-facilitate the training for periodic reporting country points in the region in 2023.

The training is the first stage of a two-stage process for the capacity-building approach on periodic reporting in Africa in 2022-2023. In the second stage, a regional training will be organized with country focal points designated by their countries to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out periodic reporting in their countries in line with the Convention’s Overall results framework.
