25 junio 2014


How to provide policy advice effectively?

25 junio 2014
UNESCO Headquarters
Reunión de expertos

What can we learn from other programmes and organizations to refine UNESCO’s approach to policy advice in the field of intangible cultural heritage? How can we create synergies with the policy work undertaken under the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005)? These are key questions of a one-day workshop that the Intangible Heritage Section is organizing on 25 June 2014 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris with the participation of its own staff and colleagues working on the diversity of cultural expressions. Development experts from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UNESCO’s Education Sector and the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) are guest speakers. The work of conceptualizing appropriate approaches and formats to support countries in developing relevant legislation and policies for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage benefits from the support of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund and is urgently needed, as confirmed by the recent evaluation by the Internal Oversight Service of UNESCO’s standard-setting work of the Culture Sector.
