
Supporting the resilience of Ukrainian school children through enhancing awareness of their living heritage

  • Presupuesto del proyecto:
    • 68.550 US$
  • :
    • Heritage Emergency Fund
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 01/09/2022 - 01/05/2023

Países beneficiarios: Ucrania


On 18 March 2022, the Living Heritage Entity organized a first meeting with key living heritage stakeholders from Ukraine and neighboring countries hosting Ukrainian refugees to discuss how best to support the safeguarding of living heritage of Ukraine. The nexus between living heritage and education was identified as a priority area for action. This project seeks to enhance awareness of living heritage ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Assessing the needs of living heritage safeguarding among displaced communities from Ukraine in five neighboring countries: Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia

  • Presupuesto del proyecto:
    • 57.800 US$
  • :
    • Heritage Emergency Fund
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 01/04/2022 - 01/09/2022

Países beneficiarios: Eslovaquia, Hungría, Polonia, República de Moldova, Rumania, Ucrania


In April 2022, UNESCO launched a community-based needs identification for safeguarding living heritage among communities, groups and individuals from Ukraine displaced by the war. Focus was given to five neighbouring countries, which were receiving most refugees in the first weeks and months of the war: Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. The project was developed following the recommendations of the first ›››
