
Estabilización y transmisión de la técnica de ejecución de canto largo popular de los intérpretes de flauta limbe (respiración circular) a las nuevas generaciones a través del antiguo repertorio

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 99.946 US$ otorgado en 2018
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 29/01/2019 - 29/01/2022
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Mongolia


La propuesta de proyecto de 36 meses de duración, que deberá implementar el Centro Nacional para el Patrimonio Cultural en tres regiones, tiene por objeto estabilizar y transmitir la técnica de ejecución de canto largo popular de los intérpretes de flauta limbe (respiración circular) a través del antiguo repertorio. La técnica de respiración circular se considera un gran logro entre por los mong ›››

Supporting natural and cultural sustainability through the revitalization and transmission of the traditional practices of worshipping the sacred sites in Mongolia

  • Asistencia financiera:
    • 98.500 US$ otorgado en 2018
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 12/02/2019 - 12/12/2021
  • Documentos:

Países beneficiarios: Mongolia


Implemented by the Foundation for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage, the proposed thirty-month project aims to revive forgotten worshipping practices of sacred sites in rural areas in Mongolia, with reference to the element inscribed in 2017 on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. These practices – performed at sacred sites that are located throughout the c ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Asia and the Pacific

  • Presupuesto del proyecto:
    • 899.835 US$
  • :
    • Japan Funds-in-Trust
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 01/04/2015 - 31/10/2017
  • Documentos:
    • Building National Capacities to Safeguard Asia-Pacific Intangible Cultural Heritage (2011-2017) - Project Completion Report: inglés

Países beneficiarios: Fiji, Mongolia, República Democrática Popular Lao, Samoa, Sri Lanka


With the successful completion of Phase I, thanks to the continued generous contribution of the Government of Japan, it was possible to implement the second phase of the regional programme for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through the strengthening of national capacities from April 2015 to October 2017. The principal aims of the second phase were the following: *Reinforce the human and institutional ›››

Noticias y actividades:

Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage through the Strengthening of National Capacities in Asia and the Pacific

  • Presupuesto del proyecto:
    • 1.020.484 US$
  • :
    • Japan Funds-in-Trust
  • Fechas de implementación:
    • 01/11/2011 - 01/05/2014
  • Documentos:
    • Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage through the Strengthening of National Capacities in Asia and the Pacific - 2011-2014 Project Completion Report: inglés

Países beneficiarios: Bhután, Camboya, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua Nueva Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste


This project generously financed by the Government of Japan aimed at assisting eight countries, namely Bhutan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka and Timor Leste to safeguard their intangible cultural heritage through the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. It aimed at building up a critical mass of experience and ›››

Noticias y actividades:
