AcademIK connections: Bringing indigenous knowledge and perspectives into the university classrooms

Mehta, Khanjan; Alter, Theodore R.; Semali, Ladislaus M.; Maretzki, Audrey
Mehta, K., Alter, T. R., Semali, L. M., and Maretzki, A. 2013. AcademIK connections: bringing indigenous knowledge and perspectives into the classroom. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship. Vol. 6, No. 2. Pp. 83-91.
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Asia y el Pacífico

AcademIK Connections is a modular learning series developed at Penn State’s Interinstitutional Center for Indigenous Knowledge (ICIK) that enables faculty to introduce indigenous perspectives into their university classes. The series is comprised of 12 video clips, featuring compelling stories of how indigenous knowledge can be leveraged to meet specific sustainable development goals in communities around the world. A lesson plan with learning objectives and key concepts accompanies each video. As described in the introduction to the series, AcademIK Connections draws upon traditional knowledge to challenge positivist paradigms that pervade academia, strives to diversify classroom discussion and encourages students to seek collaborations with indigenous peoples in their future professional fields.
