Meeting of network for living heritage and conference on living heritage and storytelling
On the 25th of May the Norwegian Crafts Institute was host for the meeting of the national network of intangible/living heritage in Norway, with a gathering at Maihaugen Museum, Lillehammer. The network is a forum for individuals and organisations that work with issues concerning intangible cultural/living heritage. The accredited NGOs are central in the network. During the network meeting relevant issues concerning ICH in Norway was shared and discussed, including the 20th anniversary of the Convention and the projects Wiki Loves ICH and Wheel Chart of Sustainability. We had info on the work with potential new inscriptions to the lists and reflections on the safeguarding of already inscribed elements. The importance of a broad dissemination/communication of living cultural heritage was discussed and it was decided to rename the network. The new name is nettverk for levende kulturarv- network of living heritage. The next meeting will take place in Bodø in 2024, during Bodø European Capital of Culture 2024. On the 26 th of May the conference was open for all interested and was arranged in cooperation with Norwegian Festival of Literature. The theme was living heritage and storytelling. Norwegian Crafts Institute by Eivind Falk had an introduction on storytelling, living heritage and the 2003-Convention. This section was linked to the next #HeritageAlive publication on storytelling to be published at the 18.COM in Botswana. Norwegian storytellers participated, together with storytellers from Sweden (Land of Legends) and Ireland.
Text as provided by the organiser(s)