Levande kulturarv - att arbeta gemensamt med tradition och konvention
Institute for Language and Folklore / Museum of World Culture 10-10-2023 Gothenburg (Suecia)

Levande kulturarv - att arbeta gemensamt med tradition och konvention

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the Convention of the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage. In order to celebrate, the Institute for Language and Folklore and the Museum of World Culture will arrange a conference on how we can keep the intangible heritage alive.

The conference will gather representatives from NGO:s, heritage institutions and academia who are engaged in the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. What is the role of civil society, NGO:s, communities, groups and individuals when working with the 2003 Convention? How can safeguarding measures evolve and develop with the engagement of civil society?

The conference will provide the opportunity to discuss this question from a number of perspectives, as it has continued to be a central topic during the first 20 years of the Convention. The speakers come from a wide range of backgrounds and work with different areas of ICH.

One aim of the conference is to strengthen the networks related to ICH within civil society, and to create dialogue between civil society and academia.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).
