Inter-institutional thematic table ‘Sicilian Opera dei pupi through promotion, sustainability and tourism’
Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari - ETS 31-05-2023 Palermo (Italia)

Inter-institutional thematic table ‘Sicilian Opera dei pupi through promotion, sustainability and tourism’

The Association for the Safeguarding of Popular Traditions – ETS (Palermo, Italy), in its capacity as the referent entity of the “Italian Network of Bodies for the Protection, Promotion and Enhancement of the Opera dei Pupi,” Page 2 of 5 (up to 500 words): has set up three inter-institutional thematic tables for critical reflection on ICH particularly aimed at drafting a Detailed Strategic Plan of Measures for the Safeguarding of the Opera dei Pupi, Sicilian traditional puppet theatre. These tables are aimed at strengthening the relationship with stakeholders in various capacities interested in safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of the Sicilian Opera dei Pupi, with the objective of translating the measures identified in the Plan of Safeguarding Measures (drafted in 2019-20 and awarded with the European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award 2022 in the Research section) into concrete actions, fostering the development of sustainable cultural governance and an active exercise of safeguarding the living collective heritage of the Opera dei Pupi, based on co-responsibility in the policies of enhancement and safeguarding strategies.

On May 31, 2023 the roundtable will focus on the relation between promotion, sustainability and tourism of ICH, with particular reference to the Opera dei pupi. Increased visibility, which any promotion activity entails, must be accompanied, from the perspective of safeguarding intangible heritage, by a strong focus on the principle of sharing benefits with heritage communities. Although the fundamental relationship between ICH and sustainable development provides for and encourages inclusive economic development, it invites engagement in promotion and awareness raising activities in ways that allow the whole community benefit from them. In terms of sustainability, an entire chapter of the 2003 UNESCO Convention is devoted to the relationship between intangible heritage and sustainable development, while the Operational Guidelines focus specifically on the impact of tourism on the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage and vice versa by calling for “ensuring that the communities, groups and individuals involved are the primary beneficiaries of all forms of tourism associated with their intangible cultural heritage, promoting their leading role in the management of such tourism.”

This roundtable will thus reflect critically on sustainability through integrated, responsible and value-based tourism development based on the principles of safeguarding UNESCO intangible cultural heritage and the Opera dei Pupi. The initiative is realized with the contribution of the Ministry of Culture - Service II UNESCO Office - Law No. 77 of February 20, 2006 - Special measures for the protection and enjoyment of Italian sites of cultural, landscape and environmental interest, included in the “world heritage list”, placed under UNESCO protection. Project: “The Sicilian Puppet Opera: strategic planning, transmission and enhancement.”

Text as provided by the organiser(s).


Legge 20 febbraio 2006, n. 77
“Misure speciali di tutela e fruizione dei siti e degli elementi di interesse culturale, paesaggistico e ambientale, inseriti nella lista del patrimonio mondiale, posti sotto la tutela dell’Unesco”
“L’opera dei pupi siciliani: pianificazione strategica, trasmissione, valorizzazione”.


Assessorato del Turismo, dello Sport e dello Spettacolo
Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana


