Folklore Festival Východná
National Centre of Culture and Further Education 30-06-2023/02-07-2023 Východná (Eslovaquia)

Folklore Festival Východná

Folklore Festival Východná is an international exhibition of traditional folklore in Slovakia, which respects the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The festival programme consists of various types of traditional music, dance, and drama performances, lectures, exhibitions, folk dance schools, singing schools, craft workshops.

Via these festival contributes to preservation, development and familiarisation the public with the unique values of traditional musical, dance, ritual and folklore traditions as an important part of our Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Furthermore, each year as a part of the Programme of Folklore Festival Východná one of the remarkable elements from Slovakia inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is being presented.

Fujara - the musical instrument and its music, Bagpipes and bagpipe culture in Slovakia and music of Terchová have been presented in the last few years in separate programmes followed by a lecture. In the year 2023 it is the Traditional puppetry of Slovakia (and Czechia).

The School of Craft ÚĽUV (Centre of Folk Art Production) which Slovakia nominated for inscription into UNESCO Register of Good safeguarding Practices (in 2023), is also an essential part of the festival on a regular basic.
