52nd FIAT-IFTA International Council of Direction Meeting
FIAT-IFTA - Fédération Internationale des Associations de Thanatologues - International Federation of Thanatologists Associations and the Bulgarian Association of Funeral Directors 07/10-06-2023 Varna (Bulgaria)

52nd FIAT-IFTA International Council of Direction Meeting

The 52nd ICD (International Council of Direction Meeting) took place in Varna. The FIAT-IFTA council of direction is composed by National representatives from 45 Countries around the World. However any member of the association which is present in over 75 Countries is invited to attend. This year, 31 Countries were present with around 250

people attending. The meeting was streamed live to all members in 75 Countries. This is a regular meeting of the organisation to discuss the running of the organisation, finances, educational projects and developments, exchange of experience and industry knowledge, regulations, etc. The board decided to take this opportunity to celebrate the anniversary of the 2003 convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Part of our educational conference is always dedicate to Intangible Cultural Heritage, and this year we started the conference with a celebratory video for the 2003 Convention and a presentation on its importance and the participation of FIAT-IFTA. This was a great opportunity to raise awareness between members on ICH. This was in fact one of the most successful events relating to ICH with many members becoming interested in participating at the FIAT-IFTA intangible heritage committee. During the conference a meeting of the committee also took place, to evaluate current progress but also to set out new objectives.

The celebration of the 2003 convention anniversary at the FIAT-IFTA meeting in Varna was publicised by several magazines in Europe, namely Revista Funeraria (Spain) https://revistafuneraria.com/rf173#62

Oltre Magazine (Italy) https://oltremagazine.com/site/index.html?id=1

Kultura Pogrzebu (Poland) printed version only

Text as provided by the organiser(s).

