194 Results that matches your search criteria poetry

Cultural expressions and slave trade abolition

ltural identity. As one of the most recognizable embodiments of that identity, the music, dance and poetry of tango both embodies and encourages diversity and cultural dialogue. Read more… %%%......25 November 2015


5.COM : Evaluation of nominations for inscription in 2010 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

onry forms the basis of a wider cultural heritage, including traditional dress, food, songs, music, poetry and dance, all of which are sustained by the communities and clubs that practise it. Decides that, from the information provided in nomination file No. 00442, falconry, a living human heritage satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Re...19 November 2010



4.COM : Evaluation of the nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

es and official State bodies encompassing documentation, educational activities, promotion and support to poetry associations and boat builders; R.4:   The festival was nominated with the involvement of communities, groups and the local government of the city of Xukou, and consent has been given on behalf of the communities concerned; R.5:   Th...2 October 2009

Abu Dhabi


8.COM : Report of the Subsidiary Body on its work in 2013 and examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

ts with the instrument on her knees and plays it with a wooden, arched bow. Imzad combines music and poetry and is frequently performed on ceremonial occasions in Tuareg camps. The instrument provides melodic accompaniment to poetic or popular songs glorifying the adventures and feats of past heroes: the songs are composed, recited or sung by men,...7 December 2013



4.COM : Evaluation of the nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

ws: R.1:   Ramman, religious festival and ritual theatre of the Garhwal Himalayas, India combines music, poetry, dance and crafts that form an expression of the religious and aesthetic experience of the community, celebrate the bonds between humanity, nature and the divinity, and give the community a sense of identity and belonging; R.2:   Ins...2 October 2009

Abu Dhabi


Somalia, the latest country to have ratified the Convention, will hold 6-day workshop on safeguarding its living heritage

Yusuf Osman, Director General for Culture at the MoECHE opened the workshop by recalling the importance of poetry in Somalis’ daily lives, as Somalia has a strong tradition of oral history. He also stressed the importance of involving Somali youth in the process of identifying and safeguarding Somali intangible cultural heritage. As Ismail Yusuf... Somalia

7 October 2021


9.COM : Report of the Subsidiary Body on its work in 2014 and examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

lto is the guiding voice heard above the group throughout the song. A vast repertoire of traditional poetry is set to existing or newly created melodies. Lyrics explore both traditional themes such as rural life, nature, love, motherhood and religion, and changes in the cultural and social context. Cante is a fundamental aspect of social life throu...28 November 2014


Majlis, a cultural and social space

lay an important role in the transfer of oral heritage, including folk stories, folk songs and ‘Nabati’ poetry. As Majlis spaces are open to all age groups knowledge is mostly transmitted informally as children accompany community members on their visits. Through observing elders in the Majlis, young people learn the manners and ethics of their... Saudi Arabia

, United Arab Emirates

, Oman

, Qatar


6.COM : Report of the Subsidiary Body on its work in 2011 and evaluation of nominations for inscription in 2011 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

al Heritage of Humanity, described as follows: Fado is a performance genre incorporating music and poetry widely practised by various communities in Lisbon. It represents a Portuguese multicultural synthesis of Afro-Brazilian sung dances, local traditional genres of song and dance, musical traditions from rural areas of the country brought by succ...29 November 2011



9.COM : Report of the Subsidiary Body on its work in 2014 and examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

ance of the royal drum is a spectacle combining powerful, synchronized drumming with dancing, heroic poetry and traditional songs. The entire population of Burundi recognizes it as a fundamental part of its heritage and identity. The dance calls for at least a dozen or so drums, always in an odd number, arranged in a semicircle around a central dru...28 November 2014

