Requests 7.COM 3.BUR, June 2012

The requests are presented in the table below.

Files (2)

7.COM 3.BUR 4.1 - 7.COM 3.BUR 4.2
State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
7.COM 3.BUR 4.1 
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Viet Nam

EN: Capacity building in designing, implementing and evaluating intangible cultural heritage projects in Viet Nam

FR: Renforcement des capacités pour la conception, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation de projets concernant le patrimoine culturel immatériel au Viet Nam

Amount (US$):  25,000

Assistance Request (BUR)

File reference: 591

Request form ICH-04:English|French

27 May 2011
7.COM 3.BUR 4.2 
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EN: Development of an inventory of intangible heritage of Malawi

FR: Élaboration d’un inventaire du patrimoine immatériel du Malawi

Amount (US$):  24,947

Assistance Request (BUR)

File reference: 609

Request form ICH-04:English|French

18 May 2012