© 2009 by Syonai-hama-bunka missionaries

21 February 2007 - 23 February 2007


Expert meeting on Transmission and Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage through Formal and Non-Formal Education

21 February 2007 - 23 February 2007
Expert meeting

At this meeting specialists and community members shared and discussed concrete practical experiences and insights into how educational efforts can be deployed to strengthen the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.

The meeting focused on two areas: K-12 (basic and secondary) and non-formal education for the continued or renewed transmission of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in communities, and educational awareness-raising about ICH among young people.

The meeting intended to make contributions to the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and placed particular emphasis on education, awareness-raising and capacity-building as safeguarding measures.

Finally, the participants formulated a set of recommendations on strategies and priorities for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage through education.

  • Final recommandations (English)
  • Experts’ Reports:
    • Ms. Olivia CADAVAL Borderlands: A Case Study (Texas, USA)
    • Mr. Jorge ISHIZAWA Iskay yachay / paya yatiwi (two kind of knowledge in the rural schools of the Central Andes of Peru
    • Mr. Jacobs A case: Un-touchable (Belgium)
    • Ms. Anyango Okwach CHAKRUOK Centre for His Story in Art and Development, Kenya
    • Ms. Anita PUNAMAE Heritage communities in South-Estonia: Võro-Seto
    • Ms. Tran Thi Thu THUY Transmitting Skills and Strengthening Traditions: Experience of the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology
  • To download Experts’ Reports, please consult the page maintained by ACCU:
