Results : 100 activities corresponding to 6 regions

Exploration d’une embarcation légendaire : le boutre, djahazi, icône de l’océan Indien
05/08-11-2024 Mayotte (France)
Film debate cycle cinema, city and intangible heritage day of the dead festivity
04/07-11-2024 (Mexico)
Sons, memórias e vivências de uma comunidade
04/30-11-2024 (Portugal)
Day of the Dead, Night of the Souls A Parade and musical homage to those who have left us
01-11-2024 Trois-Rivières, Québec (Canada)
Intangible Cultural Heritage in Scotland Conference
01-11-2024 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Dek Unu Magazine: Solo Exhibitions of Fine Art Photography
01-11-2024 (Canada)
'Carpathian Pastoralism: A Living Tradition, Cultural Heritage and Historical Memory' roundtable
31-10-2024 (Czechia)
Arts and Culture Norway’s Annual Museum Conference
31-10-2024/01-11-2024 (Norway)
Intangible Cultural Heritage in the European Union Legal Frameworks
29-10-2024 Milan (Italy)
We are living heritage!
28-10-2024/30-11-2024 (Czechia)