Resolution of the General Assembly: 10.GA 10

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document LHE/24/10.GA/10,
  2. Recalling Resolution 9.GA 13 and Decision 18.COM 6,
  3. Further recalling 42 C/Resolution 34 of the General Conference of UNESCO,
  4. Welcomes the proclamation of 17 October as the International Day of the Intangible Cultural Heritage;
  5. Commends the activities undertaken in all Electoral Groups, at national, regional and international levels, in the context of the Convention’s twentieth anniversary celebration, including conferences, festivals, expert meetings, exhibitions, publications, awareness-raising campaigns, amongst others;
  6. Expresses its gratitude to the Republic of Korea for hosting the Global meeting for the twentieth anniversary of the 2003 Convention in Seoul and welcomes the areas for future action highlighted in the ‘Seoul Vision for the Future of Safeguarding Living Heritage for Sustainable Development and Peace’;
  7. Also expresses its gratitude to Italy for hosting the Naples Conference on Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century, and further welcomes the resulting call for action, which sets out eleven major principles to ensure a prospective vision for the safeguarding of heritage;
  8. Further expresses its gratitude to States Parties from Latin American and Caribbean for the regional initiatives reflecting on achievements and future developments of the Convention, including a conference held at UNESCO Headquarters, a meeting of experts organized in Peru in cooperation with the Category 2 Centre CRESPIAL, and the launch of a publication, compiling the results of the regional reflection;
  9. Thanks the States Parties that have generously provided extrabudgetary or in-kind support for the celebration of the Convention’s twentieth anniversary;
  10. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretariat, all States Parties, communities, and other stakeholders for their active participation in the celebration throughout the anniversary year, particularly in promoting the objectives of the Convention, taking stock of past achievements, and exploring the Convention’s future development.
