Examination of International Assistance Requests for approval in 2020 (item 8.d on the agenda)

Below are the requests for International Assistance from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund greater than US$100,000, to be examined by the Committee in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The recommendations of the Evaluation Body are included in document LHE/20/15.COM/8.d.

Files (4)

8.d.1 - 8.d.2 - 8.a.3 - 8.a.4
State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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Central African Republic

EN: Capacity building for the safeguarding and management of intangible cultural heritage in the Central African Republic

FR: Le renforcement des capacités pour la sauvegarde et la gestion du patrimoine culturel immatériel en Centrafrique

Amount (US$):  420,730

Assistance Request (COM)

File reference: 1615

Request form ICH-04:English|French

27 Sep 2019
Budget and timetable:English|French

27 Sep 2019
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EN: Safeguarding of ludodiversity of Malawi through non-formal education and community transmission

FR: La sauvegarde de la ludodiversité du Malawi par l’éducation non formelle et la transmission par les communautés

Amount (US$):  347,164

Assistance Request (COM)

File reference: 1498

Request form ICH-04:English|French

02 Oct 2019
Budget and timetable:English|French

02 Oct 2019
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EN: Handmade weaving in Upper Egypt (Sa'eed) (international assistance)

FR: Le tissage à la main en Haute-Égypte (Sa’eed)

Amount (US$):  262,400

Assistance Request (COM)

File reference: 1638

Note: File 01638 has been created for the evaluation of the International Assistance request included in the USL file 01605

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EN: Aixan/Gana/Ob#ANS TSI //Khasigu, ancestral musical sound knowledge and skills (international assistance)

FR: Les connaissances et les savoir-faire musicaux ancestraux d’Aixan /gâna/ob #ans tsî //khasigu

Amount (US$):  99,329

Assistance Request (COM)

File reference: 1639

Note: File 01639 has been created for the evaluation of the International Assistance request included in the USL file 01540
