The group “Stili di Vita” from San Vendemiano has organised every year traditional ethnical cooking classes
 © Gruppo Festa dei Popoli S.Vendemiano
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Traditional ethnic cooking classes in San Vendemiano

The group “Stili di Vita” from San Vendemiano has organised every year traditional ethnic cooking classes as part of our activities since 2014.

The classes have included amateur chefs from foreign countries living in Italy. Through the cooking classes we aim to promote the gastronomy as living heritage of other populations as well as their culture, tradition and territory. We usually organise 7 classes, six of them dedicated to the gastronomy of other countries and one to an Italian region.

The host community has always been very interested and enthusiastic about the cooking classes. This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have not been able to carry out all the programmed classes, and we otherwise decided to organise them with a new format online, raising great appreciation and reaching new distances.

Our group had to find a new way of working, but thanks to the empathy and collaboration among the organisers, chefs and participants, and the technology available and social media we were able to carry out 4 cooking classes online.

During the classes we could experience not only the cooking of traditional food, but furthermore the tradition, history, music and poetry of the Country travelling virtually to Brazil, South Africa, Ukraine, and Sardinia.

We must also underline that the classes were part of a greater celebration online for the 10th anniversary of our Group and of the “Festa dei popoli di San Vendemiano”, that we usually celebrate every year on May or June, but it was cancelled as the pandemic still presented danger for us all.

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