Kyrgyz epic trilogy: Manas, Semetey, Seytek, moral and spiritual support of the Kyrgyz people.
 © National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO
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Kyrgyz epic trilogy: Manas, Semetey, and Seytek provide moral and spiritual support for the Kyrgyz people

National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO

The practice of the living heritage is affected as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic introduced a state of emergency to stop the danger of the spread of COVID-19, which has restrained the possibility of people to assemble, perform and transmit their heritage.

A number of ICH activities have been canceled or suspended in ICH communities. Nonetheless, living heritage is practiced constantly by concerned communities and urges people to unite and be patient during this challenging pandemic. For instance, the Kyrgyz epic trilogy: Manas, Semetey, Seytek are the immortal spirit and basic identity of the Kyrgyz people.

The Trilogy Manas is the epic hero who united all the scattered tribes into a single nation – Kyrgyz. The deeds of Manas were continued by his son Semetey and his grandson Seytek. It is one of the biggest epics in the world.

The Epic trilogy: Manas, Semetey, Seytek was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2013. Epic storytellers are highly respected in the country.

Accordingly, one of the most famous Manaschy as Doolotbek Sydykov telling Manas via social networks and online concerts and urges people to unite and be tolerant.

Through the Manas telling, they provide moral and spiritual support to local communities and individuals during this challenging COVID-19 pandemic. During this difficult time, they continue to perform their art and provide solidarity and inspiration to many people in the country.

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