The master Kong Nai teaches his grandson how to play the Chapeai Dang Veng at his house, Kampot province
 © Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Cambodia, 2015
Se puede consultar el texto de la contribución en su versión original.

Cambodia's chapei Master transmits public health messages

In Cambodia, intangible cultural heritage is deployed for the transmission of important public health messages. One of the traditional functions of Chapei Dang Veng artists in Cambodian society is to convey important news and information to the community. Today, Master Kong Nay honors this tradition, while amplifying his reach through social media.

The 75 year old Master Kong Nay, one of the rare great masters of the Chapei Dang Veng, sings about hand-washing and social distancing and other COVID-19 safety tips.

In 2016 the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage approved the granting of financial assistance totalling US$230,000 to Cambodia for the urgent safeguarding of Chapei Dang Veng, a musical tradition which features a lute (a chapei) accompanied by the performer singing. There are only two surviving great masters of the chapei but they do not practice it actively because of their age. The safeguarding plan submitted by Cambodia, in consultation with artistic and educational organizations, includes the training of chapei teachers, fellowship programmes for young masters, as well as a festival.

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