Ms Freda Tawana

Freda Mwalyana Sampati- Tawana is a senior Culture Officer at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education Arts and Culture in Windhoek, Namibia. Her experience with safeguarding ICH began in 2010. She was appointed as a National Coordinator for ICH in 2011 and is a member of the National ICH secretariat since then. She has participated in the fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth sessions of the intergovernmental committee meetings. She serves as Namibia`s focal point person for Southern Africa ICH Cooperation Platform since 2014 and was trained as a global facilitator for the 2003 convention in Algeria in July 2019.

Participación en sesiones de formación:

Experiencia en:

Basado/a en:

Lengua(s) de trabajo:

Esferas temáticas de experiencia o interés:
Community participation, Education
